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“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Luke 12:34 (CSB)

Today's Bible Plan Reading: Luke 12

In Luke 12 Jesus is teaching that our pursuits will either bring joyful reliance on God or an anxiety filled life focused on building your own kingdom. 

Luke 12:34 says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Your heart – the core of your emotion, desires, and identity – will center on whatever you keep around you. Another way to say it – the things you surround yourself with will shape the core of your life. 

Do you treasure financial gain above everything else? That pursuit will create a greedy life. 

Do you treasure fame and recognition? That pursuit will create a self-centered life. 

Do you treasure comfort? That pursuit will stunt your spiritual and relational growth. 

Perhaps it is something else. 

What do you treasure? What consumes your thinking? What are you pursuing? 

In this passage of Luke 12 Jesus tells us that pursuing material or temporal things will bring anxiety and stress. 

Humans were not created to build our own kingdoms but to build the kingdom of God. 

We were not created to be kings but servants. 

We were not created to receive praise but to extend praise to God. 

The Christian life isn’t free of stress and anxiety.

The difference is in our pursuit.

The Christian pursues Jesus – who frees us from stress.

The non-Christian pursues self-sufficiency – which produces stress because the world and our lives are out of our control. 

What does it mean to seek his kingdom? 


How to seek the kingdom: 

  • Setting your focus on Jesus above the material and temporal.
  • Praying for God to be your provision and source of life.
  • Seek the blessings that come from the kingdom of God – not the world.
  • Realizing that the material and temporal will not bring security and life that is found in Jesus. 
  • Use your resources (time, money, spiritual gifts, etc) to share the Gospel and build the kingdom of God. 


What is your treasure? Pray that God will reveal what your desire and pursuit is today. Repent if that pursuit is not building the kingdom of God. 

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The F260 NT Bible reading plan and HEAR Journal method is from Replicate Ministries

Chase Snyder

Chase Snyder

Writer, Pastor

Chase Snyder is an author and pastor in Metro Atlanta. Chase’s aim is to help people apply the Bible to their life by take their next step of faith in Jesus. He is the founder of Ministry Bubble – a content creation company that helps people turn their ideas into ministry to serve the local church. Chase writes, speaks, blogs, and hosts The Spiritual Growth Podcast. He and his wife have two children. Learn more about Chase – About Chase

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