“That light shines in the darkness, and yet the darkness did not overcome it.”
Light and darkness are used through the Scriptures to describe the conflict God and evil. When we talk about the conflict between God and evil it is important to state that God is not struggling to overcome darkness. Referring to Jesus, John 1:5 tells us plainly “That light shines in the darkness, and yet the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:5). Jesus is not struggling against a power that is equal to his own. Satan is not all-powerful but a being created by God who rebelled against God. All the forces of evil try to extinguish the light of Jesus. But evil is incapable of overcoming God in the same way that darkness is unable to extinguish the light.
- Jesus shines in the darkness.
- Jesus drives back evil.
- Jesus is light.
The conflict present between light and darkness but arises because humanity choses wandering in the darkness over walking in the light of Jesus. The world doesn’t understand the light of God or, sadly, they don’t see the need for the light. Some believe that illumination is found through intelligence or experiences. Intelligence and experiences are good bases for understanding but are not the source of illumination. Jesus is in all things, has created all things, is before all things, and all things point to Him. (Colossians 1:16-17) True illumination can only come from the source of light and light.
There is a truth about light and darkness – your eyes will adjust to darkness. If you spend time in a dark room your eyes will adjust to help you see your surroundings. You can become familiar with the darkness around you. Even though they adjust in the darkness, you will never see a full picture until light fills the room. You are unaware of the dangers that surround you. You are unaware of the opportunities around you.
Darkness traps and disorients but light illuminates and liberates. Walking apart from Jesus is to walk in the darkness of the world. You might be able to navigate around some obstacles every now and again when you wander in the darkness but you will never have a clear picture of the plan and purpose that God has for your life.
What you decide about Jesus will change the course of your life. Life isn’t found by wandering. Life is found through following Jesus.
Jesus is the source of life and light in our lives.
- Light gives vision.
- Light gives direction.
- Light brings liberation.
- Light gives perspective.
- Light overcomes darkness.
Live It:
- Do you follow Jesus?
- Are you looking for a solution, direction, or understanding outside of a pursuit of Jesus?
- What are some ways that you can submit and follow the Light of Jesus today?
Christ Chronological: John 1:1-18
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Chase Snyder
Writer, Pastor