“Then Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread throughout the entire vicinity.” 

‭‭Luke‬ ‭4:14‬ ‭

Have you ever stopped to think about how the news about Jesus spread throughout Jerusalem while Jesus was on earth? 

Think about it: 

  • It was before social media.
  • It was before newspapers.
  • It was before television. 
  • It was before books. 

News about Jesus spread from person to person because stories of life-change are powerful. People were so in awe of the miracles Jesus performed and the authority with which He taught that they shared stories about Jesus with everyone that they knew. Jesus went viral 2,000 years before the internet existed. The life of Jesus was worth sharing, and news about Him spread like wildfire. 

 You don’t need a bigger platform to share about the goodness of Jesus. The power of your testimony isn’t found in your past sin or social media following. At times we can dismiss our influence by thinking that we don’t have enough ears listening to us or eyes watching us to make much of an impact. By dismissing our impact we fail to share the hope that is found in Jesus. 

 God’s glory doesn’t need your platform – He has the universe that declares His glory! He has invited us to point to His glory so that other people will come to follow Jesus. 

 Thanks to the internet, our lives have more reach than any other generation in human history. God has positioned you to point the people you interact with online and in person to Jesus. 

 Everyone loves a good story. There is no better story to tell than how Jesus gave you a new life and how He is pursuing others. 

 Live It:

  • Are you actively sharing stories of the goodness of Jesus? 
  • Who needs to hear about the power of Jesus? When will you share that with them? 

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Chase Snyder

Chase Snyder

Writer, Pastor

Chase Snyder is an author and pastor in Metro Atlanta. Chase’s aim is to help people apply the Bible to their life by take their next step of faith in Jesus. He is the founder of Ministry Bubble – a content creation company that helps people turn their ideas into ministry to serve the local church. Chase writes, speaks, blogs, and hosts the Spiritual Conversations Podcast. He and his wife have two children. 

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