“Therefore I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven; that’s why she loved much. But the one who is forgiven little, loves little.”
Have you noticed how a new Christian is more passionate than some people who have been Christians for years? A new Christian will tell everyone about her faith. A new Christian will share his story with anyone who will give them three minutes of their attention. A new Christian will spend hours practicing spiritual disciplines each week – studying the Bible, praying, and serving.
What is the difference between a new Christian and others who have followed Jesus for decades? One reason for their increased passion could be their recognition of their sin and the gratitude for the gift of salvation found in Jesus.
We get a picture of this in Luke 7 when a sinful woman interrupts a dinner party that Jesus was attending to anoint his feet with perfume. The religious leaders were surprised that a sinful woman – whatever moral sins she had committed – was letting her hair down in front of Jesus. During this type of banquet poor people were allowed to come and get scraps after the meal, but this scene was tense. This woman walked to Jesus, poured expensive perfume on his feet, let down her hair – which was grounds for divorce during that time – and washed His feet. The Pharisee who owned the house thought that Jesus would condemn such a person and her shameful acts. He was shocked that a sinful woman would praise Jesus in an extravagant way.
Jesus explained that worship is connected to our understanding of Jesus’ forgiveness and grace at work in our lives. Appreciation for Jesus’ grace begins with an understanding of our need for grace. She knew the weight of her sin and publicaly worshipped Jesus out of her gratitude for the grace of Jesus.
This is one of the reasons a new Christian’s passion can out-burn a person who has forgotten his old life before Christ. If we forget the depths of our sin then we are at risk of forgetting the depths of God’s grace. Our appreciation for salvation coincides with our realization of the price of our sin and the sacrifice of Jesus.
Live It:
- Take a moment and consider what your life was before you met Jesus.
- How can a realization of your past sin led to an increased passion for Jesus?
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Chase Snyder
Writer, Pastor