“Don’t rebuke a mocker, or he will hate you; rebuke the wise, and he will love you.” 

Proverbs 9:8

Have you ever tried to correct someone but they did not receive it well? 

This proverb tells us that fools hate correction and wise people receive it. Few people like confrontation – most normal people dislike getting into conversations that have to do with the wrong that they have done. “Being told I’m wrong” isn’t high on people’s weekend agendas or to-do lists. We avoid awkward conversations, especially when we are at fault. 

It is important to note that the rebuke mentioned here is a correction that is offered in a loving manner that is aimed at building the person up, not tearing them down. We are not talking about harsh, unloving criticisms but loving corrections to make us more like Jesus. 

But notice that this passage doesn’t say that correction only happens to the foolish. Both the fools and the wise are rebuked and corrected. Wise people still make mistakes.

The difference between the foolish and the wise isn’t whether or not mistakes are made, but whether or not the correction has been received and applied. 

A wise person will realize that they have messed up and will take the necessary steps to move forward in a new way of thinking and action. The foolish man will dismiss the fact that they have done wrong and hate the person who approached them with the truth. 

  • Foolish people lack self-awareness and humility. 
  • Foolish people reject the correction and the person offering help. 

Do this enough times, and the foolish person will surround himself with foolish people who are unable and unwilling to lovingly point out their flaws in an effort to help them live more like Jesus. This is the core reason some people avoid Jesus, the church, small groups, or discipleship opportunities – they want to pretend that they are perfect and are unwilling to admit that they could use some help. They do not want to be correct, called out, or led. Truth becomes relative and no one has the right to offer another person advice. People living this way will eventually find a group of people who will never challenge them to live the life that Jesus intends for them to live – a life of hope, renewal, and encouragement – and reject anyone who speaks truth. 

Live It: 

  • How do you respond when a trusted friend points out a mistake you made or flaw in your character? 
  • How can you lovingly speak truth so that it builds another person up? 
  • Do you have a trusted community who will lovingly tell you biblical truth?

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Chase Snyder

Chase Snyder

Writer, Pastor

Chase Snyder is an author and pastor in Metro Atlanta. Chase’s aim is to help people apply the Bible to their life by take their next step of faith in Jesus. He is the founder of Ministry Bubble – a content creation company that helps people turn their ideas into ministry to serve the local church. Chase writes, speaks, blogs, and hosts the Spiritual Conversations Podcast. He and his wife have two children.

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