“So then, just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Do you know anyone who is ungrateful? Do you wish that someone would show them how to be grateful?
Ungrateful people tend to be people who:
- Are never content and are always in need
- Rarely say “thank you”
- Don’t sacrifice for others but expect others to sacrifice for them
- Are focused on their needs more than the needs of others
- Think that God or others owe them.
I’m sure that you can make a list of all of the ungrateful people in your life. But if we are honest with ourselves, we are all ungrateful from time to time. We accidentally take for granted the blessings we have in this life. Blessings like our health, family, friendships, and the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. If left unchecked, ungratefulness will draw us away from Jesus and bring bitterness, discontentment, and worry.
Gratitude is a life-giving attitude – it draws us to the feet of Jesus. And as we overflow with gratitude to God, we will begin to overflow in expressing our gratitude for others. It is difficult for you to be grateful if you aren’t connected to Jesus through prayer and study of God’s Word. Gratitude has nothing to do with your possessions but everything to do with your perspective.
Through God’s Word and be reminded of the:
- Goodness of God – He is for you and with you.
- Your Need for Jesus – you are a sinner in need of the grace of Jesus.
- The Purpose God Has for You – you are still on this planet to make disciples and glorify Jesus.
If we fail to live in Jesus – to have a daily recognition that Jesus is before all things, in all things, and holds all things together (Colossians 1:16-17) – then we will drift toward discontentment and complaining.
Live It:
- Are you overflowing with thankfulness and gratitude?
- What are two things you take for granted that you need to be grateful for?
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Chase Snyder
Writer, Pastor