“When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped inside her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.” 

Luke 1:41

One of the first people to worship Jesus’ arrival to earth was an unborn baby. 

Imagine the scene that is described in Luke 1:39-56. Mary was recently visited by the angel Gabriel and was told that she would conceive the Messiah, carry him, and deliver him. This was an honor to be the mother of the Messiah, but how would she explain this to her family and to Joseph? Until this point in history, a virgin had never become pregnant – it was impossible. Mary was a virgin and explaining the theology of an immaculate conception would have been difficult. She was an engaged teenager carrying the one who would carry the sins of the world. When Mary agreed to be pregnant with Jesus she wasn’t positive that Joseph would stay with her. During those days a woman who was pregnant out of wedlock was publicly disgraced. She would have felt confused and isolated. 

In this moment of worry, anticipation, and confusion, Mary went to her relative Elizabeth’s house. Gabriel told Mary that Elizabeth was pregnant in her old age with her first child. As soon as Mary stepped into the presence of Elizabeth her unborn baby John leaped inside her womb. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and understood that Mary was pregnant with the Messiah. Elizabeth and Mary followed unborn baby John’s worship and began to praise God for his mercy and favor.

I want to point out an aspect of this account that I haven’t noticed before. It is simply this: Mary needed community and encouragement. 

Since she and Joseph were alone during the delivery we can incorrectly assume that they were alone during the pregnancy. Once she found out that she was pregnant, Mary went to Elizabeth and, as Luke 1:56 tells us, stayed with Elizabeth for three months before he returned home. Mary needed someone who knew what God was doing in her life to encourage and support her during this confusing time. 

There are times in life where God is working in your life but you are not yet able to share the information publicly. Christianity is not lived in isolation but in community. You don’t have to tell everything to everyone, but there must be a few people who know everything that is going on in your life. These people will become a pillar of encouragement and support as they point you to Jesus during confusing times. 

Live It: 

  • Did you view Mary’s pregnancy as being all on her own? 
  • Who are the few people in your life that are your source of biblical and Godly encouragement and truth? 

Christ Chronological: Luke 1:39-56

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Chase Snyder

Chase Snyder

Writer, Pastor

Chase Snyder is an author and pastor in Metro Atlanta. Chase’s aim is to help people apply the Bible to their life by take their next step of faith in Jesus. He is the founder of Ministry Bubble – a content creation company that helps people turn their ideas into ministry to serve the local church. Chase writes, speaks, blogs, and hosts the Spiritual Conversations Podcast. He and his wife have two children. 

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