“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
God always directs our lives in such a way that as we are obedient he works things together for our good and His glory.
This verse can cause anxiety for some because of the questions that arise. Is God in control of all things? Does God cause all things? Is God going to bring us out of our bad situations and into a good situation? What is “good” and “bad”?
The biggest question that comes from this passage centers around what is the “good” will we receive? Some incorrectly teach that God is working all things together for our financial, physical or social benefit. This isn’t the Gospel message. The promise here doesn’t focus on material or earthly goods but spiritual benefit.
The “good” that is mentioned in Romans 8:28 is connected to the reference to Jesus in Romans 2:29 “For those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son…” The ultimate good is for us to be conformed into the likeness of Jesus. Maturing in the likeness of Christ will bring us to our true purpose in life – glorifying God. Every situation and circumstance that we encounter is changing us from who we use to be to the likeness of Jesus. Because of this, every situation can be used for “good” because we are growing in our likeness of Christ.
Many questions surround this passage but the promise is the same – God is watching over His people. Every detail of our decisions and lives, large and small, are known by God. Nothing happens outside of His understanding or knowledge.
Live It:
- How does a knowledge that God is working all things together for your spiritual benefit encourage you to continue in the faith when difficult times arise?
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Chase Snyder
Writer, Pastor