“Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
Your cell phone has “Airplane Mode” to keep your cell phone from interfering with the critical systems of an airplane during takeoff and landing so that the plane won’t crash or be delayed. Airplanes have so many important systems that they are unwilling to take a chance on your device interfering with the flight. Airlines ask that cell phones are turned off so that they limit the risk of a crash.
In Mark 6:31 we see the disciples return from a period of doing ministry. The account tells us that they were so busy serving others that “they did not even have time to eat.” Instead of celebrating the full days of work Jesus ministered to the disciples by taking them to a quiet place to rest. The disciples were exhausted, hungry, and spent. Jesus invited them to rest in His presence and to be ministered by Him.
I believe that Jesus is asking us to silence a few things so that they don’t interfere with what God is doing in our lives. So many of us are so busy working for Jesus and we forget to spend time with Jesus. Our schedules run us into the ground. Our phones cause us to become zombies. Our need for progress keeps us from slowing down and enjoying life. Jesus is inviting us to silence a few things in our lives so that we can rest in His presence.
If we cultivate a rhythm of silencing areas of our lives: distractions, other’s opinions, sins, and even our phones, we will limit the crashes as delays in our lives. Silencing an area of your life may be permanent, like silencing sinful habits, or it might be short-term, like putting your phone in another room so you can be fully present during your devotion time or while having dinner with your family.
Live It:
- Where do you need to slow down?
- How can you rest in the presence of Jesus today?
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Chase Snyder
Writer, Pastor